Saturday January 25
2-3:30pm at Grateful Yoga
Snoring, mouth breathing, congestion, allergies... what does yoga have to say about these common afflictions?
The shape of your ribcage and the posture of your head and neck contribute powerfully to your congestion, and these habits are changeable!
Discover which yoga poses, pranayama, and mantras will balance your unique posture and breath pattern. Sarah, a highly experienced yoga therapist, will lead you through a unique practice filled with "aha" moments and wondrous anatomical insights.
Cost: $40
Grateful Yoga Members save
15%, sliding scale gladly offered
Previous Workshops
The Yoga of Walking Well
Yoga is helpful for improving gait. Everyday movement habits like walking profoundly predict pain and injury.
Your Grateful Back
Your anatomy and movement patterns determine which cues are relevant for your unique back.
Your Grateful Neck
Is your neck too flat or too arched? What about your upper back? Learn which cues to use for neck pain relief.
Your Grateful Knees
Yoga can hurt or help the knees. Open and stabilize the hips and ankles to free your knees.
Yoga & Scoliosis
Strategic use of core poses to deeply realign the spinal convexities. Direct the breath into the concavities. Yoga unites these twin pursuits via skilled awareness.
What Should(n't) Stretch
Yoga attracts both hypermobile and stiff students. Learn the safe and unsafe areas to feel stretch sensation.