Here is a wonderful article in Scientific American about the kind of grief many are feeling after the losses of the 2024 election. The article contains an interview with psychotherapist Pauline Boss about a unique type of grief.
She describes election loss as " ambiguous," partly because there are no rituals to acknowledge or soothe it. This kind of grief can leave us "immobilized" or "frozen," particularly because the loss is more abstract.
Boss compares this kind of grief to what many of us felt during the pandemic (that rings so true for me: powerlessness, loss of trust in basic societal structures, feeling trapped, fear, and vulnerability).

Her recommendation is to MOVE. Do something. Movement restores a degree of autonomy and agency. It gets us unstuck.
You and I have Mac Talla. A monthly movement ritual designed to help process emotions big and small. As a somatic practice, it emphasizes repeatedly grounding, remembering to breathe, and moving from your center. But as a kick-ass, set-to-music, permission-to-utterly-move-only-as-you-wish experience, it's empowering.
The movement is not choreographed, but it is guided. For example, to one song, you'll rise and fall. To another, you'll push away, then pull towards you. Approach, then retreat, shake out parts of your body to feel again, and then dive deep into the absorbing catharsis of repeating a simple gesture over and over. Each time, you get to decide: tonight I'm just pushing away, I'm tearing down walls, or right now I'm ignoring the prompt and doing something else.
By allowing our visceral instincts to shape how we move, we align deeply and loyally with ourselves. We protect our most vulnerable parts, fiercely defending what feels exposed.
In this way, we acknowledge both our inner child and the capable adult in us. We unfreeze our grief and mobilize it, channeling it in productive directions.
We believe again. Trust again, at least in ourselves. And we get a little closer to accepting what we cannot change. And a little closer to stepping into our mighty purpose.
Mac Talla is designed to handle everything you feel. It helps you handle it all.
A feeling is just the start of something.
Allow it to move you.